
Forced Creativity?

Creativity is essentially the ability of creation; the allowance of that intimate substance which is suppressed within us, to permeate our beings and take on a tangible form. Creation is a phenomenon. Some even regard creation as divine inspiration. What has been created that cannot be put to trial by our God-given senses? Nothing, of course. Creation is everything and everywhere. Omnipresent, is a good word. 

True creativity cannot be summonsed at the drop of a hat. No; creativity should develop subliminally and nurture itself till our minds can comprehend and bear fruit to this heavenly insight. Is it right that creativity should be assessed, judged? Who should be so honoured so as to deem what is creative and what is not? “Only God shall judge me.” But Him, none should. Yet this is a reality and cannot be refrained from.

The Arts is probably the worst offender. Whether it is creating images on a canvas, photographical, sewing melodies together or conjuring written pieces, these all come under scrutiny and criticism; and by whom? Why is it that some creations are better received than others? Are they mainstream and if so, why? Can it be that broad based opinion is ‘truth’ and ‘right’? Just because that which is crafted is denied, does not insinuate that it is not creative, not ‘art’, and should not dishearten the creator. That which is created on a whim is created with reason and depth; is beautiful and just.

Although creativity cannot be bartered and transferred, it is possible that it can be motivated or encouraged. If ever you feel that creativity is deep within you but that you cannot mount the hill of fruition then why not engage in some quiet time in contemplation. Consider sitting atop a mountain or building, any high place. Change your perspective of things. Buy for yourself a Gregorian Chant music album and a bottle of wine and submerge yourself in a pool of reflection. There is nothing like soothing chant to call it to the fore. Wine in moderation helps, too. Lose yourself in yourself.

Everyone is creative. It just takes a little bit of thought, some enthusiasm and desire to coax that smidgen of creativity out of its shell which will indefinitely grow exponentially into a fully fledged creation with life. Never, ever force it out. Premature development, as with all things, ends in a way which was/is never intended. 

Let us look for example at textual opinion pieces. This is one. This is to be assessed, on creativity among a few other criteria. This is meta-critique; a self-aware analysis. The topic was chosen out of free will but the actuality that it had to be done takes from this perfect freedom. Deadlines and target audiences need to be considered; competition and desired results as well. One cannot cleave from these binding constraints that limit the notion of creativity in a pure, unaffected form. 

Maybe these suppressing factors aren’t all bad. Sure, they make for streamlined review and contribute to a civilised style of expression and possibly even serve as a guideline of appropriation for such. This unfortunately reverts back to the aforementioned scrutiny and criticism, when that which is produced, is not deemed ‘creative enough’. The bottom line is that it cannot possibly be. The pressure to perform throws a net on creative notions, suffocating it from actualisation. 

So, when you are asked to present your ‘creative’ work for assessment and when returned, it is not thought creative enough, don’t despair. Authentic creativity, shaped in that way, is not achievable. The kind of creativity which requires a conscious effort is a farce which feigns its way into being accepted, or not – more likely. 

Is this creative then? The attempt has been made to be as creative as possible. But alas, despite the Gregorian Chant, despite drifting away into mentally unbound territory; this is still a matter of gaining credits. If you want creative, let it be. Let it be.

This, then, is not short of the unfortunate institutional constraints and is not virginally creative; it is just not possible. Sorry.

1 comment:

  1. Luch!! thanks man really enjoyed this one!!
